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Warga Negara Digital Melahirkan Budaya Kewarganegaraan Baru (Feriyansyah)


Selasa, 09 Februari 2016


KhairunnisaMarpaung, ChantikaAmaliaRizky, Nurliati Batubara1 and Feriyansyah2
1 Student of English Education Department of The State University of Medan
2 Civic Education Lecturer at The State University of Medan

The survival and the success of a nation in achieving its goals is strongly influenced by the philosophy of the state of the nation., The Five Principles is the guidance and direction that will be addressed in achieving the ideals of the nation. Without guided by a philosophy, the direction that will be addressed by the people to be vague and may be able to weaken the nation, The Five Principles as the philosophy of the system we should certainly meet the requirements of philosophy itself. The Five Principles of Philosophy system is found in a wide range of values ​​of life in society, among others of religious values, customs of the people of Indonesia have become a culture in daily life. As well as the culture in various regions in Indonesia is the source of the values ​​of The Five Principles, .The Five Principles can able to act as a source of value in political life, in the economic system, as a source of social and cultural System,The Five Principles is a source of strength for the nation upholding the state and regularity of social life.

The way of life, The ideals of nation,System in Philosophy,The source of national strength

      In the course ofhistory can we monitor the actions of the Indonesian nation refers tothe values of The Five Principles. Indonesian nation clearly up hold religious values and humanity, this is clearly statedin the preamble ofthe 1945 Constitutionreflected in the similarity value to fellow citizens of the nation's democracy and a just and civilized humanity in the interaction with other nations. The value of freedom and independence is reflected in the struggle againstoppressionandthe struggle for independence. Thevalue ofencouragingthe unityof the Indonesian nation. Andfinallyhuman actionsaimed at realizingthe value ofsolidarity(solidarity), social justicefor all Indonesian people. Awarethathistoryis thecollective experienceof the nation, the nation of Indonesiadeservesupholdanddefend The Five Principles of valuesfor survivalas acivilizednation.
The Five Principlesasstatephilosophysystemexcavatedfrom the contents ofthe national psychethat has long beenburied deep inthe heartof the Indonesian nation. This statementshows thatthe philosophy ofThe Five Principlesnotonlythe country butalsothe philosophy ofthe Indonesian people. The contents ofthe philosophy ofthe Indonesian people, among others, showsthe confidenceof the Indonesian nationof human beings ascreatures, whichlivetogetherwithother human beingsas human beingsas well assolve the problem ofthe attitudeof his lifeon the basis ofconsensus. By adhering to thephilosophyof The Five Principlesasthe nation, Indonesiacantake a standin the midstof varioussystemsandschools ofphilosophyinthe world.
The Five Principlesas thephilosophy of lifeof the Indonesian nationcan not be said , because presumablythe significance ofthe function is notsovisibleand canbe felt. Becauseasthe formulation of The Five Principles ofphilosophyis indeedabstract, detachedfromeveryday life. But if welook at thephilosophy ofThe Five Principles as the basisfor thelife of the stateandsocial lifeof the nationof Indonesia.For itin the Journal ofthe writer takethe title of"The Five Principles asPhilosophy System ", it is expected that we canknowthe truevalueofThe Five Principles.

Problem Of Study
a.       How is the explanation for the theory of the five principles as philosophy system?
b.      How is the reality happened toward the five principles in this modern era?
c.       How is the implementation of five principles in our daily life?
1.      The theory of the five principles as philosophy system.
The Five Principles as philosophy systemisaninterconnected unityforaparticular purpose, andeachqualifiedinseparablefrom one another. SoThe Five Principlesbasically onepiece/unitsthat are interrelatedto one another, andhave thefunctions anddutiesof each.
The Five Principles have thecharacteristics asphilosophy. Below are somesuggestions thatThe Five Principlesisa philosophy:
a.       According to Muh. Yamin.

In the tools of law 1945 , Muh.Yamin (1962) said :Ajaran pancasila tersusun secara harmonis dalam suatu sistem filsafat. Hakekat filsafat Friedrich Hegel (1770-1831) ialah sintesis pikiran lahir dari antitesis pikiran dari pertentangan pikiran lahirnya persatuan yang harmonis. Begitu pula dengan ajaran pancasila, satu sintesis negara yang lahir dari satu antitesis.

b.      According to SoedirmanKartahadiprojo
Dalam bukunya yang berjudul pikiran sekitar pancasila (1969). Soedirman Kartahadiprojo mengemukakan Pancasila disajiakan sebagai pidato untuk memenuhi permintaan memberikan dasar filsafat negara, maka disajikan pancasila sebagai filsafat adalah seperti halnya buah-buahan diberikan lalu dimakan dengan keyakinan bahwa dengan buah-buhan itu,suatu penyakit dapat diberantas, sebagai obat.
c.       PendapatNotonagoro (according to Notonagoro)
Dalam karya Pengamalan Pancasila di Yogyakarta beliau berpendapat bahwa kedudukan Pancasila dalam Negara Republik Indonesia adalah sebagai dasar negara, dalam pengertian dasar filsafat. Sifat kefilsafatan dari dasar negara tersebut terwuujudkan dalam rumus abstrak dari kelima sila dari pada Pancasila. Yang intinya ialah ketuhanan, kemanusiaan, persatuan (kesatuandalamdinamikanya), kerakyatan dan keadilan, terdiri atas kata-kata pokok dengan awalan-akhiran ke-an dan per-an. Dasar filsafat, asas kerokhanian Negara Pancasila adalah cita-cita yang harus dijelmakan dalam kehidupan negara.

d.      According to RoeslanAbdoelgani
Di dalam bukunya Resapkan dan Amalkan Pancasila berpendapat bahwa  Pancasila adalah filsafat Negara yang lahir sebagai collective-ideologie dari seluruh bangsa Indonesia. Pada hakikatnya Pancasila merupakan  suatu keutuhan persatuan bangsa Indonesia sebagaimana tiap-tiap filsafat adalah hakikatnya suatu noodzkelijkheid. Didalam kajian-kajiannya dari dalam, masih menagandung ruang yang luas untuk  berkembangnya penegasan-penegasan lebih lanjut. Di dalam fungsinya sebagai fondamen Negara, ia telah bertahan terhadap segala ujian baik yang datang dari kekuatan-kekuatan contra-revolusioner, maupun yang datang dari kekuatn-kekuatan extreem. 
e.       According to Drijrkoro
Dalam seminar Pancasila beliau berpendapat bahwa filsafat ada di dalam lingkungan ilmu pengetahuan dan Weltanschauung didalam lingkungan hidup. Dengan belajar filsafat orang tidak dengan sendirinya mempelajari Weltanscauung. Dan juga tidak pada tempatnya jika dalam filsafat aspek Weltanschauug ditekan-tekan dengan  berlebih-lebihan. Sehingga dikemukakan bahwa Pancasila sudah lama merupakan Weltanscauung bagi kita bangsa Indonesia, akan tetapi tanpa dirumuuskan sebagai filsafat melainkan dalam dalil-dalil filsafat. Sehingga Drijarkoro dalam pendapatnya membedakan antara filsafat dengan Weltscauung. Dan diterangkan pula tentang Pancasila sebagai dalil-dalil filsafat, dengan mengakui orang masih tinggal di dalam lingkungan filsafat. Pancasila barulah menjadi pendirian atau sikap hidup.
Comment: The theories that presented by them an ongoing mutually recognizing the Pancasila as a philosophical system. Because the five principle is the foundation of the state and the citizens of Indonesia also acknowledge that the five principle itself is a system of mature thinking andharmonized in order to realize Indonesia who aligned with the ideology of the nation, Pancasila described as the answer of many problem, for example is the third principle “ persatuan Indonesia” which has diverse meaning one of them is “ bhinekatunggalika” . Though different religion, tribe, language and so on but still create Indonesian harmonious. Pancasila is not just philosophical system but must be manifested, practiced it in the life of the state byevery citizens. Pancasila is also a collective ideology, the idea of a collection of budding nation, but developed further affirmation, where each principle, lived, practiced firmly aligned with the development of knowledge and life sciences for Indonesian citizens.

2.      The reality happened toward the five principles in this modern era)
In this modern era the noble of the values of five principle should be able to motivate Indonesian citizens to behave better as Indonesian’s prospect. In every moral of pancasila we got the goodness and the weaknesses which is used as concept of national live be perfect.

a.       Ketuhanan Yang Maha Esa
The value of the belief to the god that has been in the first of Five Principlesconfirmed that all of Indonesian citizens have religion and have their own god. Then all of religion teaching the goodness. However, the question is? Do the citizens be religious is a kind of loyalty for their god in this modern era? Based on what was seen in media electronic and media print, it gives about the negative effect to the value of Believe in the oneSupreme God. Such as the act of criminal, drug abuse, sexual harassment, corruption and so on. That was shown us how weak the credibility and how weak the value of the devinity in the nation and the country.

b.      Kemanusiaan Yang Adil dan Beradab
Human value in The Five Principles bring a good condition for Indonesian citizens, because the meaning that containing bring the equality among of all. The rights and the obligations between human being. But the fact, the noble value in this modern era just written on the piece of paper. That was nonsense for same citizens where we find so many behavior that indicate a deviation from the value of humanity. For example the reach people more respected, make bad behavior to other people. It indicates that value of humanity too pathetic nowdays.

c.       Persatuan Indonesia
Every country wants a association, because the association is the strength of the state. Impossible for the country to shape or running well without the unity. Cause of that the association became one of the value noble of Five Principles. And it becomes Indonesia’s dreams, so Indonesia citizens can united for the betterment of Indonesian nation. However, what happens in this modern era leads us to think endlessly and asking thousand time about the unity of our state that shown how weak and begin to pass away the noble value of the unity in this state).

d.      Kerakyatan yang dipimpin oleh hikmat kebijaksanaan dalam permusyawatan perwakilan.
This populist value is always there in the government of a country. And Indonesia made this value as the basis of the country in which while we faced with any kind of problem, so the decision that will take must give the priority the citizens. Do not personal interest and that all must be through mutual consultation in order to reach an agreement for the goodness. The core of the fourth of pancasila value that is the government from the citizens and by the citizens to the citizens. But what happens in this modern era? The representative behavior it was really too embarrassing. The people that we have chosen as a leader (representative) in this country acting as a person without knowledge.
e.       Keadilan sosial bagi seluruh rakyat Indonesia
Social justice value contained in Five Principles has good meaning, it‘s purpose very wise that creating Indonesia society fair and prosperous either outwardly and inwardly. However, what happens in this modern era, there are many people that we found living in poverty, neglected children, many people can not get the good healthy facility because the cost of living is too high. Why that’s all happened? Because lack of skill of representative to manage our natural that is very rich.          
3.      The implementation of Five Principles in daily life
a.       Believe in the one Supreme God contained religious values, among other things: Belief in the existence of Almighty God as the creator of all things with the properties of a perfect and holy as the Almighty, Most Compassionate, the Most Just, All-wise and so on, Application of this precept in everyday life namely:
for example, loved animals, loving plants and take care of him always maintain the cleanliness etc.and also emphasized, that God does not like the people who make mischief in the land, but God is pleased to people who are always cautious and always do good. Indonesian environment which is given by God Almighty to the people and the nation of Indonesia is a gift and grace of His that must be preserved and developed ability to remain can be a source and life support for the people and nation of Indonesia as well as other beings for the sake of survival and improved quality of Life own)

b.      Just and civilized humanitycontains the valuesof humanitythatmust be observed ineveryday life. In this case, among others, the followingcan be realizedin the form ofconcern forthe right of everyoneto earna good livingenvironmentand healthy,the right of everypersontoobtainenvironmental informationrelating tothe roleinenvironmental management,the right of everypersontoplay a rolein the framework ofenvironmental managementin accordance withapplicable legalprovisionsandso on(KoesnadiHardjasoemantri, 2000:558). Inthis casea lotthat can be doneby the community topracticetheseprecepts, for example,hold acontrollingair pollution levelsthatinhaled aircan remain comfortable,preserve theexistingvegetationin thesurroundingenvironment,holdinggreen movementandso on.

c.       The unity of Indonesiait can contain ofthe unityof the nation, in the sensein mattersrelating tonational unitynoteworthyaspectsas followsApplication ofthis principleineveryday life, among others, by identifyingthe values oftraditionalmustalways betaken into account inpolicy-makingand controlenvironmentaldevelopmentin the area anddevelopthrough education andtrainingas well asinformationandcounselingin the introduction oftraditionalvaluesandreligiousvaluesthat drivehuman behaviorin order to protectresources and the environment.

d.      Democracy led by the wisdom of deliberations among representativescontained in Legislative Consultative democratic values,In this case there are several things that must be observed,namely:The application of this principle can be done in various forms of activities, among others (KoesnadiHardjasoemantri, 2000: 560): Achieve, grow, develop and increase the awareness and responsibility of decision makers in environmental management, Achieve, grow, develop and increase awareness of their rights and community responsibility in environmental management, Achieve, grow, develop and enhance community partnerships, businesses and government in the effort to preserve carrying capacity and environmental carrying capacity.

e.       Social justice for the whole of the people of Indonesiancontained values of social justice. In this case must be considered the following aspects, among others: The application of this principle appears in other provisions of the law governing environmental issues. For example, in Decree No. IV / MPR / 1999 regarding the State Policy Guidelines (Guidelines), Section H governing parts of environmental management and utilization of natural resources. In this Assembly statute it is set as follows (the Sower Science, 1999:40) Managing natural resources and maintaining the carrying capacity for the benefit of improving the welfare of the people from generation to generation, Increase utilization of natural resources and the environment with the conservation, rehabilitation and use of savings by implementing environmentally friendly technologies.

The five principles as philosophy system of Indonesia of course has terms of philosophy itself. The values of society life can find in the five principle of philosophy system, such as the value of religion. Indonesian people habit that has became a culture social intercourse. The culture in every territory of Indonesia are source of five principle philosophy value. Five PrincipleS of philosophy is gudedlines for life of Indonesian society which is an objective reality that live and thrive in Indonesia. Five principles shown us to achieve the prosperity for all Indonesian citizens without ditinction of ethnicity or race. So, Five Principles besically one piece or units linked each other.

Abdulgani Ruslan,1998.Pancasila dan Reformasi.Makalah Seminar Nasional KAGAMA,8 Juli1998,di Yogyakarta



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